Our Size Guide helps you find the perfect fit for our jewelry and accessories. The detailed measurements, sizing tips, and conversion charts to ensure your pieces fit comfortably and beautifully.

Method 1: Using a ruler placed in the middle of the ring or bracelet that you are wearing to measure the diameter. The diameter is your size; for rings usually range from 1.3 cm to 2 cm, the average diameter of a female finger is 1.6 cm. Bracelets usually range from 5.2 cm to 5.8 cm. |
Method 2: Using a tape measure to wrap around the fingers, wrists, ankles want to wear the product. Seeing the length and divide that length by 3.14, which is the diameter of your finger, wrist, and ankle. |
Method 3: Taking a thread wrapped tightly around fingers, wrists, ankles to measure and mark. Then measure the length of the thread just marked, divide that length by 3.14, which is the diameter of your finger, wrist, ankle. However, note that bracelets, anklets, or bangles will usually wear wider rather than hugging your finger like wearing a ring should add 2 cm for bracelets, bangles or 3 cm for anklets divide by 3.14 to get an accurate measurement. |