Complimentary Shipping
With the aim of expanding the market, we provide full support fee shipping for our customer on over the world. So, shipping is free.
Shipping Time
Takes about 5-10 days for the item to reach you. In the case an item is out of stock, you will be notified. But for some items we make to order, the time from order to delivery will vary depending on the item ordered. All orders are scheduled to arrive on or before the expected delivery date shown in the order confirmation. Some orders may arrive earlier than the expected delivery date if they are ready. You will receive an email confirmation once your order ships.
Maintain Surprise
Senyda understands that jewelry is often given for special surprise occasions. Please let us know what we can do to make sure you maintain your surprise, such as wrapping gifts or writing greeting cards for someone. Special arrangements, such as Saturday delivery, delivery on a particular date, or holding at a delivery location, can be made by sending an email to us at